The period: September 22 (Fri) - October 1 (Sun)
The time: Weekdays 15:00-20:00, Weekends and Holidays 13:00-20:00
* Event: Closing Party & Talk
     Sunday, October 1, 18:00 start
speaker: Mariko Ohtsuka, Azusa Suga, Mareyuki Evata

The venue: art space tetra (2-15 Susaki-cho, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture)


This project is a joint project of contemporary artist Atsushi Suzuki and art space tetra, and is a low-budget art fair that will be held in Fukuoka in September to coincide with the “Art Fair Asia Fukuoka 2023”. “ART FAIR EARTH” is a trademark registered by Atsushi Suzuki, and he aims to develop a simultaneous worldwide event by 2024. This time, it will be a pre-event position, and we hope to hold regular meetings and events from this time and expand them.
The venue for this project is Japan’s art space tetra, and coordinators in charge of each country will introduce artists and places that are active in alternative ways, and give them the function of a temporary art center.
The venue, art space tetra, is an alternative space run by about 20 artists, and has been holding exhibitions and events with domestic and international artists for about 20 years. At the venue, art space tetra, Atsushi Suzuki, the producer of this project, will also develop an installation, and during the exhibition period, he will connect online with venues in each country, and hold talks, performances, music live events, etc. as online events that can be watched simultaneously worldwide.
We hope that this activity will lead to connections with various countries through online, and function as an artist network in the future.

■会場 コーディネーター/担当(計10か国)
 Japan 日本:城野 敬志 Takashi Jono 
 Korea 韓国/Vietnamベトナム:小栗栖 まり子 Mariko Ogurisu
 China 中国:原田 透 Toru Harada  
 Myanmar ミャンマー/Uzbekistanウズベキスタン 大塚 麻里子 Mariko Ohtsuka
 Palestine パレスチナ:菅 梓 Azusa Suga
 Colombia コロンビア:Takaaki KJ
 Germany ドイツ:坂本 豊 Yutaka Sakamoto
 Madagascar マダガスカル:江端 希之 Mareyuki Evata

Fukuoka Wall Art Award 2022 Excellence Award 24th (2015) British Exhibition Grand Prize (Tagawa City Museum of Art) 34th (2011) Canon Photo New Century Excellence Award (Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography)

[Public Collection]
Fukuoka City Museum of Art, Kitakyushu Municipal Museum of Art, Kumamoto City Museum of Contemporary Art

[Solo Exhibition]
2022 Innocent Play or Play lnnocent Innocent Play or Pretend to be Ignorant / Aesop Old Fukuoka Store, Fukuoka
ART FAIR EARTH / art space tetra, Fukuoka
2016 Dontaku Delicious Grandma / Gallery Oishi, Fukuoka
2012 10th 21st Century Writers-Fukuoka: Nothing, Nothing / Fukuoka City Museum of Art

[Group Exhibition]
2023 Holiday Platform “Rest and Recovery” BankART KAIKO, Yokohama
2022 Crossing new boundaries. / Art House88 (tentative name), Fukuoka
2021 Selection Exhibition 2021-What you can see from there- / EUREKA, Fukuoka Itoshima Geinou
2012 Continuous Body Scale / 2nd Residence House, Inabayama, Itoshima (Fukuoka) VACUUM Sky Blue Room / Operation Table, Kitakyushu
2020 Place of occurrence / Saga University Museum, Saga Busan: Point of View / F1963, Busan (Korea) Kyushu New Art / Hakata Hankyu, Fukuoka Chikugo Art Farm Project 2020 Travel and Love / Koiki Shrine, Chikugo (Fukuoka) WATAGATA Arts Network Memory of the Sea 10 Years / Fukuoka Asian Art Museum
2019 Towasukatari-Portrait of the Faculty of Literature- / Kyushu University Shiiki Auditorium Gallery, Fukuoka Art Fair 3331 / 3331 Arts Chiyoda, Tokyo Towasukatari-Portrait of the School Building- / Kyushu University Hakozaki Campus Former Faculty of Engineering Main Building, Fukuoka

■参加会場・作家・管理者 等(コーディネーター名の50音順)
江端 希之 Mareyuki Ebata
・場所:doany Andriantsivongo and othersドゥアニ・アンジアンチブング ほか

피어 컨템포러리 pier contemporary/이승연 Lee Seung Yun
헬시아뜰리에ALMOND(Healthy atelier ALMOND)/이설아イ・ソラ(SINZIA)
공간 까치집 (Artspace Kkachizip)/유소영(You Soyoung)

갤러리 퐁당 (Gallery PONGDANG)/運営者: 김정현(Kim Junghyun), 레냣탄(Le Nhat Thanh)

大塚 麻里子 Mariko Ohtsuka
Ольга Керимова (Olga Kerimova オリガ・ケリモワ)
Григорьянц Анна(Anna Grigoryans アンナ・グリゴリヤンツ)

The Room

坂本 豊 Yutaka Sakamoto

城野 敬志 Takashi Jono
art space tetra
鈴木 淳 Atsushi Suzuki

مسرح الحرية The Freedom Theatre
أحمد طوباسي/Ahmed Tobasi

Takaaki KJ
Dark Bean Coffee
Nodo 51 150 minutos en calle(Nood 51 150 minutes on the street)
原田とおる T Ø R U H A R A D A
杭州:MARTIN GOYA BUSINESS /马丁·戈雅生意(犁鼻器 V33N0)

北九州市生まれ、福岡県中間市在住。熊本大学理学部生物学科卒業後、絵画制作を続けていたが、1994年CASKサマースクール(後にCCA北九州を設立)参加後、1995年より現代美術家としての活動を開始。身の回りにある既製品を用いたインスタレーションや、絵画、写真、映像、パフォーマンス、テキストなど様々な手法を用いた表現活動を展開。それらの作品や行為は、普段の生活で見慣れた風景や「もの」「こと」に対して、ユーモアやアイロニーを含め、場の特性や日常に潜む違和感を引き出し、異化している。個展に「Innocent Play or Play lnnocent 無邪気なアソビ或いは、トボケる」(イソップ旧福岡店)、「ART FAIR EARTH」(art space tetra)、「なにもない、ということもない」(福岡市美術館)等、グループ展に、「休日のプラットフォーム・休養と回復(BankART KAIKO・横浜)、「糸島芸農2021続身体尺度」、「発生の場」(佐賀大学美術館)、「Busan:Point of View」(F1963・釜山)、「3331 ART FAIR 2019(3331 Arts Chiyoda)」 「誉れのくまもと展」(熊本現代美術館)等多数。